
發稿時間:2024-03-07 19:56:00 作者:張詩童 來源:中國青年報客戶端

  3月7日,十四屆全國人大二次會議舉行記者會,中共中央政治局委員、外交部長王毅回答了中阿衛視記者方浩明的提問,還笑著說:“你就是跳科目三的小伙子吧?我在短視頻看到過你。” 方浩明是誰?3月6日,在十四屆全國人大第二次會議寧夏代表團的全體會議上,中青報·中青網記者就遇到了這位特別的外國記者,他與寧夏有著不解之緣。方浩明曾與家人一起在寧夏生活了十幾年,不僅能講一口流利的中文,還能來幾句寧夏方言。此次來到寧夏代表團的全體會議,方浩明關注哪些議題?準備怎么向阿拉伯地區的觀眾們講述中國的兩會故事?(中青報·中青網記者 張詩童)

  On March 7, the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress held a press conference in which Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister, answered a question from Fang Haoming, a reporter from China-Arabia TV, who said, "You're the young man who performed Kemusan, right? I've seen you in short videos."

  Who is Fang Haoming? On March 6th, He showed up at the plenary meeting of the Ningxia Delegation of the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress. He actually grew up in Ningxia, and has lived there with his family for more than a decade. So not only does he speak Chinese well, but he can also speak the Ningxia dialect. He is currently working as a reporter in Beijing. Let's see what topics he is interested in about the Ningxia delegation and how he is going to present to the Arab audience the stories of China's two sessions?

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